What We Do

The Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information is the most accurate and most trusted source for community information, localized business resources, and promotional materials for visitors.

Your local Chamber not only connects you to resources that will help you and your organization thrive in our community, but we are also the primary source for local professional networking. Through individual referrals, Chamber networking events, and our involvement in organizations all over town, we can get you connected and engaged today.
We ensure our members stay informed of the constantly changing landscape. From changes in rules that govern your organization to local and national trends that are emerging, the Chamber is informing you of what’s now and what’s next.
Every day, your local Chamber is advocating on behalf of small businesses and on behalf of our community at-large. Whether it is at the local, state, or federal level, let the Chamber be your voice by joining our membership team today.
The Chamber is always working to develop our community both culturally and economically. We are implementing best practices which pave the way for area retail to prosper. We are constantly consulting with local entrepreneurs and small business owners to link them with strategic solutions. Become a member today and let us help you get your next idea off the ground.
The Chamber is Selma and Dallas County’s primary marketing entity. We assist tourists and visitors from all over America and beyond. Additionally, we provide a wealth of information (upon request) to interested parties around the world.

Who We Are

The Selma and Dallas County Chamber is the single largest business professional and community development organization in our region. Our membership team, now well over 300, has consistently reflected a broad cross-section of the area’s businesses and thought leaders since we were established all the way back in 1853. In fact, our Chamber even predates the United States Chamber of Commerce which was not founded until after the turn of the century, along with the overwhelming majority of Chambers nationwide. Speaking of the U.S. Chamber, it is just one of the many professional affiliations and memberships enjoyed by our Chamber, a few of which are listed below.

Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives

Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
United States Chamber of Commerce

United States Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama

Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama

Should I join?

In short, yes.

Prospective customers searching for reputable businesses through the internet or by traditional sources normally begin with the local Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber, in turn, can drive incoming business directly to you as a member.

As a business person in today’s economy, it is imperative that you apply all the tools available to you in order to succeed. Many of the tools necessary for expanding your business and reaching potential customers and clients are only available to you through your local Chamber of Commerce.

We have members from every arena including individuals who seek to stay abreast of ongoing trends and happenings in our community to those who seek out our business resources. When you join the Chamber, you become part of a credible establishment. When you join a Chamber, you become part of a team of members growing local business and promoting the community as a whole. When you join the Chamber, you help Selma and Dallas County thrive.

Join Today